Sunday, November 29, 2015

African Cuisine

All of Africa doesn't just have the same food everywhere. Each part of Africa, north, south, east, west and central, has a few differences in their food. North African cuisine has had lots of influence on traders and migrators. Their most important harvest in northern Africa are olives. With this in mind, they also use olive oil in many of their dishes. South and east Africa mostly rely on grains, vegetables, and beans and fish for protein. They raise cattle, but it's mainly for dairy due to the fact that they are a symbol of wealth. In the west, they eat a lot of corn and rice. As well as the south and east, they also eat fish as their source of protein. Plantains and cassavas' are the basis for most meals in central Africa. Since meat is very expensive in central Africa, they eat a lot of wild meat. This includes monkey, antelope, and wild pig. 

It's crazy how in one continent there are so many different ways of cuisine. Each culture is a little different, and they do everything in diverse ways. Some parts of Africa do not eat cattle due to the fact that they are a symbol to the culture, while other parts do eat this cattle meat. Africa is such a big continent, though, that it's hard to put in mind that there are such great differences since mostly everyone in America is the same. 

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